Wednesday, March 15, 2017

mix media project updated

   The strongest part of my piece is the caption because it describes the caption very well and it flows well with the project as a whole. I could improve on how I align and place certain objects and pictures and make it all work together better. The tools i used were the clone stamp, quick selection, rectangular marquee, and color swatches. I used these tools to help me cut out the parts of the pictures that I needed and to color the sun.
   This art project was easy because I could make it the way i wanted to make it and my art didn't have any limits. The difficult part was making everything blend and work together. I made sure I was completing all the goals for this activity because i have mixed media, my own picture, and a drawing that I drew.
   I would change the background if I could do this project again. On a scale of 1-10 I would rate my work an 8 because I strongly feel that my work represents and shows mixed media very well and I'm proud of how my project turned out.